Wednesday Wisdom

It’s Wednesday …….

so grab a cup of coffee or tea and sit with us for a while!

 What better way to start each day then by opening up your heart –

Love & Honor Time.

(And no, I am not talking about a weekly spa visit)

You may think you are getting more shut eye in that 15 minutes of hitting the snooze button ……


Give thanks to the one who made this day.

If you need a little inspiration, then how about listening to a song that resonates and soothes your heart. Or, maybe it’s a song that gets your heart racing and soul chanting. Maybe it’s sipping your morning brew in complete silence, watching the sunrise.  Yep, for me, it’s my morning prayer time, reading scripture and writing. What’s important is that you make your unique needs important.

Love and Honor Time.

I believe it’s important …… no, it’s crucial to honor body, mind and spirit.

When I finally figured this out …… my faith grew exponentially. By this I mean; the quality and focus of my faith is what made the difference. Because as you know; faith the size of a mustard seed is acceptable to God.

Unwavering faith in God, who has promised, is all I need.

My worth is anchored in God. When I allow God to shape and define my worth,  I am free to empty myself without the fear of losing myself.  My value comes not finally from what I bring to the table, but from the one who brought me there.

Open your heart –  Love and Honor yourself.

I believe what makes me valuable is the name of Jesus in my heart. What he did for us on the cross means our only reasonable response is to do something with our life that honors Him.

When you fill your heart with love, it will spill out to those around you; friends, family, co-workers. Showing love and honor is so so easy; a thank you, a smile of encouragement, lean-in, listen closely, lift them up.

Show some brotherly love y’all.

It’s not by coincidence that love and honor for ourselves and others, shows who we really are.

Because,  I believe my belief does not make me a better person, my behavior does.

Oh the trials and tribulations will come and go …… it’s life.  My greatest strides in my spiritual growth has come in the middle of severe storms. And you know what? It sometimes meant finding that place every morning; a quiet corner in the room, a place on the patio, maybe it’s a  walk around the neighborhood ……. the place is not as important as the focus.

If you know me at all then you know I believe in spending time and contemplation with God, but I also believe it is not the amount of time, it’s just the act of deciding to make Him a priority. He does not look at the clock, he looks at the heart.

So yeah, one of the best gifts I give myself is my Love and Honor Time; my alone time with God and not just on Sundays. 

Cultivate the garden of your heart by seeking God. (Proverbs 4:23)

In the morning, no matter if I am a little tired and my bones ache, if I remain weak in prayer I will be weak everywhere. 

And that is just unacceptable.

I have so much to be grateful for and so much more to learn that I need my prayer time.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie


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