
I just love Satur-yay!

Wow, this is becoming a glorious spring. I probably say that every year …… but when you get to wake up and enjoy coffee on the patio, blue skies above, the birds singing and my furry co-pilot by my side …… I know that God is good.

We are not limited by old age, we are liberated by it.

Knowing what matters. Making your own decisions that are not based on others. Trusting the path that aligns with His word.

Daydream, contemplate and enjoy the moment.

As each season comes and goes, I am getting older …… yet I am not growing older! My youth does not expire with my birthday. 

Of course I am not springing out of bed like a thirty year old, but really …… who does that anyway, teehee. 

I always thought I was an ‘old soul’, yet my heart, mind and soul feel young forever.  Of course my back was saying something else yesterday after I planted flowers on the patio ……

so I just go at a slower pace, booyah!

Few things will improve your life for the better than deciding to have a grateful mindset. The old adage that we get grumpy and irritable as we age does not live here. Laughter is my daily medicine. A dose or two each day is mandatory.

And you know music is a must. Riley needs his special daily dance with me …… wait ……

is he thinking, oh gawd …… she really thinks I like this?

Well, he does show his pretty white teeth and smiles during our special song …… or was that a growl I just heard …… HA!

He is one of life’s treasures for sure. 

Our home is our happy place. We sing, dance, laugh, and enjoy the beauty and nature all around. It keeps us young!

Staying organized also helps me keep a happy youthful mindset. There is enough stuff out there that can stress us out. Staying organized at home is in my control and brings peace and calmness to my life. I want to look at objects in my room that sparks love and a smile, not an ‘ugh’.


I cultivate inner happiness. Prayer and meditation time is a must.  It’s my philosophy and a daily practice. 

I remember when the thought of getting older was viewed with fear. The good news is that we don’t have to fear old age. In fact, it’s a stage we should look forward to. True, our health may not be as good, and our energy levels may not be as high, but it can also be a time of liberation and lightness – and above all, of true well-being.

Hey, did I tell you, I love everyday and especially today,

it’s Satur-yay!

Make it a great one!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie


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