Wednesday Wisdom

Oh Wednesday, be still my heart!

Morning contemplation is the best …… but afternoon is pretty good too …… well, come to think about it …… evening contemplation is so powerful, so, I guess what I am saying is that it’s a all day event for me.

Yep, stop and smell the pink roses …… all day and night long, (And be thankful for them)!

I look into the brown eyes of Riley each morning and feel the love in his soul. Oh yes, I believe he has a soul. I believe God is in everything. Yep, everything.

There is an overwhelming feeling of power, light and peace that resonates with me each and every day.  I call it beauty.

The beauty of my soul ignites the kindness and goodness that propels me to shine my light. Oh, it’s bright for sure.

Now some mornings it might start off as a small glow easing me into the day. And it picks up wattage as the day goes on and soon it’s a steady stream of light showing me the way. It doesn’t always happen the same way everyday, that would be undistinguished.

After all, we are all unique, remember that!

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness had not overcome it, (John 1:5).

The light is within my soul and is the light of my eyes in all that I see!

I feel His spiritual energy. Oh yes, it’s magical. And I now know that no matter what, I am never alone or lonely. Ever again.

Life is special …… the life of humans, the life of animals, the life of nature because He is in everything.

Now for any of you who might think I only see life through my ‘rose-color’ glasses,  listen up …… I do believe hardship, grief and negativity are part of life. And struggles are ‘real’. I also believe that we must fight through them. The light is always within us, yet sometimes events try to distinguish it.

Don’t you dare let it.

Every life has meaning.

He won’t force Himself or His love on you.

When He is within you, love flows, never forced.

I hope a beautiful day surrounds you. Follow the light, it’s there.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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