Monday Morning Glory

Good Monday morning y’all.

And what a glorious looking day it is!

Oh my, waking up to a gentle little paw tap on the shoulder …… it’s the best!

❤️ 🐾🐾 ❤️

Living with a super smart Scottie …… it’s like having a small child around. I gotta watch my words …… he seems to know so many of them that I find myself talking in ‘code’, teehee.

And of course it doesn’t take long before Riley has figured out some of the code words. Yep, super smart, this one.

Yes, he is the only child, so that comes with it’s own set of behaviors …… oh, but I would not change a thing. It’s like having my very own little body guard, he knows my exact location throughout our home at any given moment.

He is my constant companion and the sweetest little boy. We know each other’s signs too. Oh yeah, not just words …… it’s the gentle paw on my shoulder, the wet nose on my arm, a sigh which is sometimes loud enough that makes me giggle, the one-eye look from across the room and yep the many sounds of his bark have different meanings.

And he knows mine too; the tone in my voice, (no yelling in this house), the snap of my fingers when it’s time for an ear rub and of course, when it’s snuggle time he quickly jumps into position. He knows when it’s dance time and even when it’s time to take out the trash, he’ll beat me to the door, and yes,  I really have to be careful saying the word ‘park’ because he is jumping up and down and ready to go.

Are we lucky to have each other …… you bet!

My world is so much better because of my little furry companion, Riley. He is probably the only one who can get away with waking me up at 6 am on Sunday mornings, teehee.

And on this beautiful Monday, he is ready to take on the day with me!

Monday Morning Glory!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

We had another round of major storms yesterday and some of our neighboring counties are still without power and experienced storm damage. These spring showers are relentless. Prayers to you.

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