FABulous Friday

It’s a FABulous Friday, for sure.

Some days my morning starts …… before the morning starts!

Huh ……

Oh yes, that sweet little wet nose against my arm before the sun has arrived. A perfect way to start the day, I’ll take it!

My light is on.

Do you ever think about the strong people in your life who are always providing positive influences? Well I sure do.

Their integrity and character aligns with their spiritual wisdom.

You know …… The sky is not the limit, your belief system is.

And inside job for sure.

We each have our own frequency no doubt. And yet as we come together and feel the overwhelming rhythm of what’s truly inside our hearts, we reach a higher consciousness.

Oh yeah, the light is not just on, it’s brighter.

And there is no going back,

His love sustains me.

My overwhelming gratitude and awareness of ……


Your whole soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel, (Proverbs 11:17).

It’s FABulous Friday y’all …..

 Wake up and turn your light on and feel the whole world get brighter. Be the light.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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