Soul Adventure



Hello y’all!

Have you been on a soul adventure lately? Have you taken time to listen to your soul?

We have all heard it before ……. and we just don’t want to believe it …… But …….

  • Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.

And yes, sometimes it just doesn’t feel like that ……. right ……

Yes, we’ve all been there …… right …….

So take your soul adventure today,  listen to your soul. It may be just a small whisper, and you may try to ignore it,

But you know what …… it will come back. Your soul wants what is best for you.

Find your passions. They are not random, they are your calling.

  • What makes you come alive ……
  • What makes you excited ……
  • What gets your heart racing ……

And yes,  it might be a slow process ….. but keep your faith, don’t give up.

Take your soul adventure today. Listen ……..  really listen ……..

That’s your intuition you hear over fear. Trust your soul.

Life is about trusting yourself and not being afraid to take chances. Stay confident, Stay strong.

  • Being strong doesn’t mean you may not cry.
  • Being strong doesn’t mean you may not make mistakes.

Oh yeah, most of us have been there – done that ………..right …….

So you will make mistakes ….. we all do. So you will cry ….. we all do …….. But,

  • Stay confident and learn from your  mistakes, we must.
  • Stay strong, wipe the tears and get up and try again, we must.

I love this quote,

(‘Don’t let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace’. Dalai Lama)

Some people aren’t loyal to you, they are loyal to their need of you …. once their needs change, so does their loyalty.

So never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart and soul you were meant to do!

One of my friends gave me the best compliment ever ………. he said you are soft and strong and that is a rare combination ……..

So yes, life has brought lots of challenges  …… life is like that ……but I have learned that it is never too late to be who you want to be.

Start your day with a smile on your face and you will feel it in your heart and soul!

Share your smile with the world!
Share your smile
with the world!


Love yourself so that you can spread love and kindness to others.

Riley and I send you love and kindness. We wish you a soulful adventure and love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??

I love you! ??
I love you! ??



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