A-la Mode Wednesday

A-la Mode Wednesday

You know those cool mornings that you taste and want to savor it all in – A-la Mode Wednesday!
What a blessing to be in Texas. As many are witnessing horrible weather right now, I am holding on to the start of our Autumn.
Just as tight as I hold and squeeze my Riley, this weather has it’s arms wrapped around me and awakens my soul.
Give this girl some chilly mornings and watch out – kicking *’^~  all day.
Waking up to those dark brown eyes is special and then stepping outside to greet the little pumpkins on the patio – well – life is a ghord!
You know when the morning strikes a chord with you. And you just know God is not done with you! I am where I am suppose to be.

This story is not close to ending.
When I was a little girl I never would have thought that I would be in retirement with my sisters. And living in the great state of Texas, booyah!
Oh our lives have volumes of memories happy and sad. And as we continue our journey these are the days that remain so precious, for sure.
So Autumn- crisp, like a fresh apple!
🍁 🍏 🍁
Apple pies, apple cider, apples for dipping, oh my, the cool weather recipes are circling in my mind already. Me likey!
Signs of the season are here. I look out at the bushes and hedges and see green berries that will soon turn red as if to say welcome Autumn. The blooms of summer are about to say goodbye and hand it over to their cousins and they whisper, don’t worry – you are in good hands, sister!
A-la Mode Wednesday!
Oh yes, this a new day. Bursting with hope and the colors of an incredible life.
Oh the hills and valleys of life will remain. But this I know –  God is with me high on the mountains and will never leave me in the valley’s.
Strongholds have broken off. I will step out on faith, always always.
I remain well-rounded. Just like my pumpkins, Ha!
I am a simple girl – cool mornings, hot coffee, pumpkins all around me (one special furry one), some sparkling ones and all beauties in their own thick-skin!
The colors of Fall will emerge like a golden crust with brown sugar and cinnamon toppings for all. See, back to food thoughts, teehee.
Have to admit,  I may be a little round throughout the months but special curves are created when the cool weather starts. This is the season when apple pie is totally acceptable as my main course.
Besides, I am one to always look at the cider side of life!
Happy A-la Mode Wednesday, y’all!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie