Adventure, Create Yours!

Hello y’all,

No I am not sharing my most recent vacation with you today……I will save that for another day. HaHaHa….I am sharing some comments and thoughts I have used to create my own adventure and warm my soul! No it’s not sky diving or learning how to surf…..even though they do sound like a whole lot of fun.  Sometimes the best adventure are the ones we create inside. They will last forever, in your heart, in your soul and in the souls you touch.

And it sometimes just starts by collecting special moments. Don’t Let Your Story Be Over, There’s More to Come! Create your Adventure.

  • Be open to one new idea.
  • Be open to a new job.
  • Be open to a new neighbor.
  • Be open to watching that movie your partner wants to watch.
  • Be open to adopt or rescue a  puppy. (This one’s from Riley)
  • Be open to new food.
  • Be open to trying out a new wine.

Oh sure you may be thinking…….It’s so easy to write this stuff……not so easy to do. And that’s what I use to tell myself….. (and still do sometimes) but I dare you……try one. Feel your soul getting warmer. Try two…….watch out……your soul is getting hot!  And,  Noooooooo, it’s not from the wine, Ha!

Don’t Let Your Story Be Over, There’s More to Come!

Make a promise to yourself today……. Say it out loud, keep it close to your heart, feel it in your soul.

  • Bring cookies to your co-workers.(It’s National Homemade Cookies Day)
  • Write a thank-you note to your son or daughter’s teacher, hand deliver it.
  • Give a favorite book to someone.
  • Call your sister or brother, tell them how much you love them.
  • Text your best friend and tell them how lucky you are to have them in your life.
  • Adopt or rescue a new pet. (Riley wanted to make sure you got this one) plus its National Fire Pup Day!

Riley and I plan on visiting a new dog park this evening. I can’t wait to tell you about our new adventure!  Oh yeah……there’s this new wine I saw the other day… as you have figured out……Our souls will be warm tonight!  Make yours and someone special’s soul warm tonight!

Love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

Riley the Scottie

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