Alexa, water the plants!

Alexa, water the plants!
This is how many may feel especially when the hottest week in history is here for most of us.
☀️ 😓 ☀️
TBT, I would rather pull out the hose a little earlier in the mornings and do it myself. Now Riley on the other hand, is more than happy to do his business and run to the back door to be let back in, pronto!
Although this morning we were able to take our morning walk. Bonus!
And of course I always let Riley dictate our cadence and today we stopped a few times under the trees which was fine by me. It was unexpectedly pleasant as the sun was in and out for most of it …… before her permanent residency is upon us!
And although everyone is dealing with some crazy type of weather this summer, there is still something that stirs my soul as I water my potted plants and flowerbeds. Some of them need it twice a day and I’m okay with that.
🍋 🍋 🍋
Just like me; my plants all grow at different rates and conditions. And they know they are loved!
A little patch of green, a few flowers and plants to tend to …… perfect retirement prescription.
I ‘live’ in the garden, I ‘sleep’ in the house!
So yeah, even during these extreme heat-filled days, you will find me outside …… wetting my plants. Ha!
Of course, early in the morning and after the sun goes down, silly. I may be getting older but I’m not losing common sense. (Probably debatable😂)
Of course this heat may get me a little down sometimes,  but then I googled my symptoms …… looks like I just need a few more plants!
Hey, I am a tree hugger, flower smelling, animal kissing, planet loving dirt worshiper ……
Deal with it!
Gotta go and mist my plants. 