Always Believe in Tomorrow

🏡 To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow 🏡

I have always love gardening, no matter the size. I believe in the spirit of plants and enjoy watching over them and tending to their needs.

They bring joy and happiness to my life and home.

Oh, I have lost many but usually with sadness and always with lessons learned.

So on this beautiful Saturday, I cherish the beauty of all the nature just outside my door.


And, me likey the cool mornings we are getting,

well ……

the cooler mornings ……

hey, its Texas y’all.


Do I dare say it ……

football season is just around the corner ……

oh my …… be still my heart!

College, NFL, Fantasy League, life is good!


Okay, it’s just a smidge early,

but a girl can dream and this girl can’t wait, plus I just love love love the Fall season!

Pardon me, I digress ……


It’s Saturday, yippee.

Saturday is early morning garden time for me and Riley ……

Well, not too early …… a girl’s gotta have priorities.

First things First,

a little coffee and patio time

because ……


Riley does insist ……

Although my garden is small, it fills me with big big love.

As you know, this is our first summer in our for-ever home and while  we were away Texas experienced some record heat …… ugh.

But luckily, my beautiful lemon tree survived during my absence, I am so grateful. I just can’t wait to taste my first lemons …… 🍋🍋🍋

(Just look at my lemons)

Not bad for sitting out during temps of 106 and higher, right ……

Well not everyone else was as lucky,


if you know me at all then you know I am already planning my fall patio ……

No pumpkins yet ……darn it, teehee.

TIP of the Day ……

I have a wisteria vine and I did not realize that it is so toxic to your skin.  Now right about now you might be saying …… okay you self-proclaimed gardener girl …… why did you not research it before buying it.  Well, truth be told, it was already here when we moved in. I had done some research and knew it was poisonous, so after returning home, I put on a new pair of garden gloves and trimmed away. I thought I was so careful to not touch it with my bare hands …… little did I realize that when a couple of the branches hit me in the face …… well I think you get the picture …… ouch ouch and ouch.

So yeah, big lesson learned. And I can’t say that the thought of digging him up this fall for removal has not crossed my mind …… but nope …… won’t do it.

(Before trim-job)
(Ahhhh much better)

And boy I am so glad I went to church services Thursday night, my face would scare all the children …… teehee.

So, yep I still believe in tomorrow,

but ……

for today I will enjoy the garden and thank God for believing in me!

Saturday Blessings y’all, from me and Riley.


Riley the Scottie

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