Are you a Soul Angel?


Now you may be asking……what do you mean….Are you a Soul Angel?

Answer these 4 simple questions;

  1. Do you spread kindness?
  2. Do you feel the kindred spirit of others?
  3. Do you contribute to your family?
  4. Are your actions and thoughts genuine and heartfelt?

Some of you may be saying…..I answered yes to a couple of these…….or maybe you are saying I answered yes to all of them….so that makes me a Soul Angel?

Yes it does, whether you answered yes to one or all of them. And you know what, we have all met a Soul Angel (and maybe didn’t know it at the time) and we have all been a Soul Angel to others (and maybe didn’t know it at the time).

The point is make it your mission today to be someone’s Soul Angel. You will see very quickly how taking positive action towards others will not only warm their soul, it will warm yours. So spread your wings….yes we all them…and warm the souls around you today. Be someone’s Soul Angel!

Spread kindness to those around you today. You may have neighbor who just lost their job,  you may have a co-worker who is ill or has a family member who is ill, you may have a friend who is going through a major life change. Be their Soul Angel.

  • Help someone triumph over Adversity.
  • Refuse to be Negative.
  • Be Generous.
  • Be Eloquent in your words.
  • Be a Leader.

I know for me, I have had many Soul Angels that have entered in my life with love and encouragement. They’ve been there in good times and bad, happy and sad and they warm my soul. So today, enjoy life, spread kindness and feel it in your Soul!

I will end for today saying Thank you to all my Soul Angels out there, you inspire me!

And of course my little co-pilot, Riley the Scottie wishes you all a Pawfect day too!

We’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie

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