Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Baby, It’s Cold Outside.

I don’t think it matters where you live, we are all feeling this winter blast.
Thankfully for us, its a couple of days worth and then we get above freezing.
Everyone is hunkering down as we should! Please Please keep your pets inside. When they need to go out, cover them with sweaters or coats and get them back in quickly. Riley has already given me the signs, he is perfectly comfy in his new little bed and is in complete hibernation mode. (One smart little Scottie)
Definitely, not his normal morning when he is usually giving me that look that its time for his walk.
Yep, today’s forecast; ‘you are gonna freeze your arse off’, so stay in, if you can.
It’s crazy there is a bowl game in Fort Worth tonight, outside. Talk about ‘die-hards. Go Baylor!
Hey, when the temperature gets higher than my age, we will resume our morning walk, HaHa. So as the wind is whipping and yes a few pellets of sleet have made their appearance known, take care out there today.
Stay warm, Stay Kind. Enjoy this winter day.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie