Bells and Whistles Wednesday

Bells and Whistles Wednesday
It is the most wonderful time of the year!
Why yes, I can hear the bells announcing the arrival of the season, and proclaiming the birth of Christ.
A cold crisp morning is perfect for a walk,
wait … what,
oh yes the morning is mighty cold.
But wait, do you hear them ……
in the sounds ……
all around ……
just tune in, they are all there!
Bells and Whistles
I feel so alive. Yep, all the emotions of the season are breathing into my soul, I am alive!
I have so many Christmas time memories. After all, I am sixty …… plus, so lets just say, that means a whole lot of memories. Some in the snow, some in the sandy beach, some on the west coast, some on the east coast, of course some in the midwest and a whole lot in Texas!
And no matter where Christmas is, the bells and whistles are always right there with me. I honor my past, but only want to live in the now.
The second you realize that this life is a gift,  oh yeah, the light shines from within.

‘When you dwell in the energy of gratitude, you become a magnet for miracles’.
How do I beam like a star ……
He is the force, the energy, the light and the love within me.
Bells and Whistles Wednesday
I believe!
Because spirituality is a personal relationship with the Divine, religion is crowd control.
I hope you listen for the bells and whistles outside today, turn around, face it and allow them inside.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie