Blue Moon Baby

It’s a Full Moon tonight baby!

Now it won’t really be blue, silly ……

The term Blue Moon actually means it’s the 2nd full moon in the same month!

Now, if you know me at all …… then you know I have a love for full moon nights.

They have a very special meaning to me.

Did you know ……

Most years have 12 Full Moons, 1 for each month. But guess what …… our calendar is not perfectly synchronized with astronomical events, so, every now and then, a year will have 13 Full Moons. And when this happens, one of those moons will be a Blue Moon. This is So exciting!

Tonights full moon is the first full moon of Spring known as Paschal Moon, which is the full moon right before Easter Sunday.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalms 19:1)

I will never give up on Faith and Miracles.

Look up ……

the glory and beauty of the night sky is available to see and enjoy,

by anyone, anywhere.

So tonight,

look up,

drink it up.

The message I know I am hearing is from our Creator of this magnificent universe …… he is saying …..

whether you are Christian or Non-Christian alike,

shine brightly with Love, Compassion and Kindness

not just once in a Blue Moon but every day you are alive.

The Blue Moon will light up the sky tonight, I hope you get a chance to see it!

Riley will keep a chair warm for you,  come join us!


Riley the Scottie


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