Chapter This

Chapter This ……

And no, it’s not a misprint!

If you know anything about me, you know I love to write and I love to read.

And yep, there are many books that I love to read more than once and sometimes maybe just certain chapters.

My life is a series of chapters ……

and in my case, I have several volumes ……teehee

So my book shelf is full!

I have always felt that we should grow in wisdom & love.

How easy is that!

Throughout my life, I have met so many people who have touched my soul.

And yes, we all encounter people who have not left a positive impression, and you know what I do with that ……

I make it a very very short chapter.

Some of you might be saying, ‘why not just delete it’ ……

Oh no, I believe there is a lesson in all things …… so it might be a mere second on paper, it is part of me and more than that,

it has helped warm my soul.

Chapter This ……

Confidence is silent, Insecurities are loud.

I am becoming more silent these days ……BooYah!


I love starting new chapters!

Do I wake up every day with a positive state of mind ……

Ahhhhhh, YES!

Do I live in the ‘real world’ ……

Ahhhhhh, YES!

And yes, there is a difference in being mean and unkind than standing up for yourself.

Chapter This!

It’s the best feeling when you are minding your own business and living your own life!

The Lord stood with me and strengthened me. (2 Timothy 4:17)

So, you already know what is best for you. Listen to what your soul is saying to you.

I am proud that I am not easily defined!

Although my life has many bumps and curves, I pledge to be kind, always always.

It’s a beautiful sunny glorious day, come join us. We have a special seat waiting just for you and a new chapter to start!


Riley the Scottie

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