Count Down to Thanksgiving ???

Give Thanks & Count Your Blessings


Hello y’all!

Thanksgiving Day is almost here ……… Yippee …….

Now don’t forget, wake up ………. breathe in …… breathe out …… share your smile!

As we get closer to Thanksgiving Day, it can get a little crazy …… so whether you are hosting Thanksgiving or traveling,  there are always last-minute things to do …… so while some of us may be shopping on our lunch hour and after work ……. don’t forget to breathe in …… breathe out ……. and smile!?

If you are having guests over, now is the time to review last-minute items you may want to have on hand,

  • Extra Toiletries
  • Extra Holiday Candles
  • Extra Blankets
  • Add Flowers or Little Christmas Plants to Rooms
  • Extra Snacks, Water, Fruit
  • Freshen Towels, Sheets, Extra Linens

And if you are the host for Thanksgiving, take some time to review your ‘To Do’ list and remember that you do not need to do everything yourself. You can and should invite your guests to help out ……. cooking should be fun ….. if possible ask them to come a little early and help you out in the kitchen!

Listen to music, have the Macy’s Day parade on. Ask your family to help out with last-minute sweeping or organizing chores even before guests arrive.

If you are the guest, don’t forget to take something to make the day special and  give thanks,

  • Holiday Candles
  • Add to the Bar Cart with a Bottle of Wine, Champagne, Beer or Mixers
  • Ingredients to Bake a Special Side Dish or Dessert
  • Offer to Bring the Centerpiece
  • Flowers or Holiday Plants
  • Bag of Your Hostess Favorite Coffee
  • Holiday Apron and Cooking Mits
  • A New Toy for their Four-Legged Family Member

Some of you may be traveling either by car, plane or train or bus …… breathe in ….. breath out …… If you have toddlers or children, pack a few extra items in their carry-on. I have seen 3-year olds with their own carry-on bag!  Here’s a few ideas,

  • Extra Crayons and Coloring Books
  • iPad, iPod, Portable DVD Player (download a movie ahead of time)
  • Toddler/Children Earphones (Be considerate of fellow travelers)
  • Snacks
  • Stuff Animal, Blanket
  • Extra Clothes/Diapers
  • Ziploc Bags
  • Wipes/Small Towels

Thanksgiving is almost here!!!!  Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart. Tell your family how much you Love Them. Be Kind.

Oh yeah ….. this is one of those special days when there is no need to Count Calories, Just Your Blessings!!

Breathe in the fresh fall air, have fun, enjoy family & friends and mostly Be Thankful!

From our House to Yours – Wishing you a …..thanksgiving-1058682__180

Riley and I send you love and kindness and we’d would love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??

                                                      GOBBLE GOBBLE Y’ALL !!!!!!!!

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