Create Your Family Soul Tree!


Hello y’all!

If there is one thing you can count on in your crazy busy life is Family. Now some of you may be saying……ugh……You don’t know my sister or you don’t know my brother……Ha!

Start your Family Soul Tree today. I come from a fairly large family with memories that always brings warmth to my soul. And of course many that I would rather forget……(but I won’t go there), so whether you have a large family or a small family start your Family Soul Tree today!

So what is a Family Soul Tree, you ask………It’s creating family memories with each other no matter where you are.  So go ahead, start your family soul tree today, it will warm your soul.

  • A phone call just to say I love you.
  • A family trip to see someone you haven’t seen in a while.
  • Sharing a home cooked meal.
  • An invitation to brunch.
  • Offer to babysit for an evening.
  • Invite them to join you at church.
  • Take them a carved pumpkin.
  • Make smores with them tonight.
  • Share a bottle of wine with them.
  • Invite them over for movie-night.
  • Mail them cookies.
  • Write and mail them a letter.
  • Send them an old picture of a family get-to-together.
  • Send them a recent picture of a family get-together.
  • Create a funny family video and share it.
  • Play a board game.
  • Play penny poker.
  • Turn off the TV, computer, phones for one night and enjoy each other’s company.

The list is endless…….So change up your plans, start your Family Soul Tree. Create new memories for the next generation that will not be forgotten. Warm your soul today.

Life is short……we love and lose family members, sometimes too often, always too soon. No matter where you are today warm the souls around you.

Riley wanted me to share a recent pic of him and his best friend, they love spending time together!

We’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.

Riley and his best friend, Trigger
Riley and his
best friend, Trigger





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