December 4th Post

December 4th Post.

That feeling you get when you wake up and just know, you are where you are suppose to be. I have been fortunate to have lived in different cities, different states and all different types of houses.
Some feel fortunate that they may have lived in their childhood home and still do. I have lived in many houses. I have never lived in another country, visited a few and that is all right for me.
I wake up and just know that my soul is at home. This home carries my soul and moves it in and out of experiences. It’s home where Riley gets to chase the squirrels and walk in a safe environment.
My home is not big but I know God has made it large, filling it with love. He is the maker of my soul and the builder of my home.
But home is of course more than location. And yes, it’s where we work, create, cook and gather. It’s where we greet the day and lay our head to end our day.
But home is a feeling. And for me that unmistakable comforting feeling as I sink into my own bed at nite is beyond words.
And when I am gone for a nite or more, (even a few hours),  that feeling of returning is like hugging a soft blankie, or a soft Riley and I can just be Me!
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For some decorating is not their idea of comfort. For me, I love changing things up. My home is fluid and changing and that provides real comfort and peace because it doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, just moving a piece of furniture or art gives breathing room to the surroundings.
And it grounds me.
Home for me lies between the intersection of decorating through the beauty of your eyes and a space that nourishes us physically and mentally.
And regardless of what some may think, I know that our homes can be a powerful catalyst for the well being of our family members.
I have lived on both east and west coast and although I am not near either, my home provides that common vibe. Similarly like the forest provides its own vibe.
So …….
Since my home is not near either, I choose to harness those feelings by decorating. A calm cool color palette – the way to my soul.
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A favorite chair next to the fireplace;  perfect for reading, coffee time and of course journaling. A  dining table and chairs with a perfect view of nature outside. Dishes that are pretty to eat on and display. My gorgeous and cozy bed and bedroom that always makes me feel like a queen!
And you wonder why my soul is lit and on fire, Ha!
Why yes, since I have lived in many different houses, I have always done my best to make them more than just a house. I infused warmth and comfort in each of them.
Every time I step into our home, it feels right. I don’t believe in filling my home with things that do not get used. Nope, I want to sit in every chair, love each piece of decor and of course give respect to it all.
You know, cleaning and sweeping and taking care of it. Oh that feeling after I have wet mopped the floors, it’s quite exhilarating!
My home is the invitation to breathe a little slower, feel a little calmer and ultimately spark joy whenever we use the pieces in it.
So there is nothing better than waking up and knowing this is where I should be.
Oh my, what a wonderful month this is!
It’s December 4th.
Blessing from our home to yours.

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for giving me the most perfect gift of all. Your love; that fills our hearts  and home and sets my soul on fire. Amen.