December 7th Post

December 7th Post.

A perfect quiet morning with Riley laying by the Christmas tree, hot coffee in hand and breakfast on the griddle.
He is so cute that I want to wrap him up. Or better yet, just put his Christmas onesie on him, but it’s a little too early for that. Plus, he is not a big fan of wearing anything.
Oh, but winter and Christmas photo moments are a coming soon!
Last night was a perfect night for some patio time. It was not too chilly, hardly any wind and it was a little too late when I thought about lighting a fire. But we enjoyed our time out there anyway.
Lots of quiet time to think and give thanks.
And waking up this morning a smidge later than normal from all that fresh air is a gentle way of ushering in a new day.
There are so many favorite quotes that I love to read this time of year. They are just words ….. said no-one. Because what we watch and read has an impact on our attitudes. I normally turn on the news about once a week but this month is different. I have yet to watch any news broadcast.  I am keeping up with reading some news stories, little snippets are more my style, and anyway I usually turn the TV on to catch the latest weather predictions.
But since our December weather has been darn near perfect, the weather apps are all I need.
I am enjoying some Christmas TV specials and movies and of course lots and lots of music. Not too much Christmas music yet, just some nice classical and upbeat tunes.
🎶 🎶 🎶
I have really been enjoying listening to Barbra Streisand. Not only am I reading her new book this month, I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to her one-of-kind voice. Hey, I was a strange kid, I listened to her way back then too!
Her songs, her voice and her duets …… well you either feel it or you don’t.
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‘The words you speak, become the house you live in.’
And yet, I love the silence. I am not embarrassed by it. There is so much comfort in it.
And then adding the sounds of music in our home is the perfect companion.
There is beauty in knowing your own darkness and still finding your light. Find what sparks your joy, do that.
I never want to be defined …… that would mean I settled.
Plus, I believe one’s soul has no secret that behavior does not reveal.
So just sit quietly, what do you feel?
Sometimes He doesn’t speak the answer, because He is the answer.

Wrap that joy around you.
The magic of life is believing in yourself.
‘Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character’ Albert Einstein. 
It’s another glorious day here and I wish you peace, joy and love.

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie