Do Something Nice!!!

It’s Monday y’all!!!

Hope you found ways to warm the souls around you this weekend! I felt the warm soul of my little co-pilot, Riley the Scottie’s next to me this morning……….right on the back of my leg.  Okay Okay Okay…….sometimes he gets to sleep in bed with me.

Anywho, today is, Do Something Nice Day! Now some of you may be saying…..I do nice things all the time.  However, there are days when I get so busy with all of life challenges……everyone does,  that I need reminding.

So today, Do Something Nice for someone! Watch their soul light up, feel the warmth of their soul, feel the warmth in your soul. There are limitless random acts of kindness, pick one……no pick several, Do Something Nice today.

I have provided a few acts of kindness you can do for others today, there are literally thousands, actually it’s limitless…………Warm your soul today!

  • Bring your love one coffee in bed today and tomorrow.
  • Call your mom, dad, sister or brother, remind them how much you love them.
  • Compliment a co-worker.
  • Text someone, wish them a good day.
  • Say thank you……. often.
  • Pick up some flowers for your love one.
  • Call your son-in-law, daughter-in-law, tell them you love them.
  • Write a nice comment on your friends Facebook, Blog or Tweet them.
  • Drop off that donation bag you started this weekend.
  • Call a client just to tell them how much you appreciate their business.
  • Be patient….. remember, everyone is dealing with their own problems.
  • Smile…….. often.
  • Pray for someone.
  • Cook a special dinner for your love one tonight.
  • Decorate a pumpkin, give it to a friend.
  • Promote someone today.
  • Hire someone today.
  • Drop off some dog food to your local shelter.

I could go on and on… truly is limitless. Spread goodness today, warm the souls around you. Warm your soul!

Riley and I wish you the best and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.




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