Don’t just sit there ….. Get your Boo on!


Good morning y’all!

You probably already have most of your Halloween activities planned but just in case, I thought I would provide some fun things to do tonight ….. Don’t just sit there ……. get your Boo on!

Tomorrow is Halloween, why not have some fun tonight …… Get your Boo on!?

  • Have a backyard campfire
  • Roast marshmallows
  • Try some pumpkin ale
  • Watch the movie Hocus Pocus
  • Light a pumpkin candle
  • Make hot chocolate
  • Make a pot of chili and cornbread
  • Visit a haunted house
  • Tell ghost stories
  • Take a walk around the neighborhood
  • Cuddle by the fire
  • Watch the World Series game

Cast your spell on others …… warm their soul,  oh yeah …… Cast your spell on others ….. warm their soul!  It’s so easy!

Take time at the end of the day to give thanks.  I know I do this every night. I feel so blessed to have my family and friends in my life.

Riley and I send you love and kindness and we wish you a warm and soulful evening.

We’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??


Get your Boo On!
Get your Boo On!

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