Easy Like Sunday Morning.
Heaven on Earth, for sure!
Morning coffee started before the sunrise.
I checked a small sampling of news on line (a smidge is all I can handle) before turning my attention back to solitude and prayer time.
Then it’s time to watch our church service.
Follow it up with a nice stroll in the neighborhood with my bestie, Riley.
Easy like Sunday Morning!
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Sunday is a favorite day for me.
No matter the season, it’s the day that always reminds me to take some time for solitude. You know; enjoy the magnificent of my own company. Listen from within, allow it to guide me forward. To remember how important I am, how loved I am and to continue to light this world with my presence, my love and my hope for others.
It’s the day the energizes me and reminds me that this is truly:
Heaven on Earth.
It’s Easy as Sunday morning overflowing with goodness!
Remember, your worth comes from within.