Easy Like Sunday Morning

Oh Sunday!

Just when it was getting so hot, a coolness in the morning visits.

Easy Like Sunday Morning!

Even the birds are rejoicing ……

With cool mornings predicted this week, (insert happy dance), we enjoy the sunrise once again! But hey, it is summertime in Texas!

The good things in life, the power of faith.

I am His treasure. 

Sundays are so special.

I will not rearrange furniture today, that was for Saturday, HA! 

Do you ever feel like you just need to rearrange …… a room? You know, move things, clean things and then fall asleep so fast from exhaustion. I love the smell of completion! I think Riley was even tired and ready for bed a little early last night ……  after all his opinion matters and I totally messed up his Saturday ‘nap all-day’ time, teehee!

But anyhoo, it’s Sunday and what a magnificent day it is.

My eyes are wide open as I observe it. I give thanks to the Source who provides it without fail each and every day. 

 It is our eternal relationship with Christ that ultimately matters.

It’s not just doctrine and hope.

And it most certainly is not just on Sundays.

Eternal life is not abstract, it is not seeing it in your works or how nice you are. It is found in one Person.

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. (John 10:28)

Easy Like Sunday Mornings!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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