Easy like Sunday morning

Easy like Sunday morning!

I do believe that listening to God requires a genuine desire to hear from Him. I trust that the Holy Spirit does live within us, and I ask Him for strength to persevere in whatever situation I find myself in and I hope you do too!
Because I believe that if you believe that God doesn’t want to speak to you, it’s likely you won’t be able to hear His voice.
And it also takes a humble heart.

God may be trying to tell you something important about someone.
It’s not always easy discerning what God is telling us about other people let alone finding God in them. Truly listening to God is an art that requires training and discipline. It can be very difficult to hear God’s voice when we are listening to every other voice besides His.
When we trust God, we accept His love and influence in our very lives.
We can see God in others if we properly tune-in.
When you’re sharing your life with someone, there is no room for discomfort, secrets, or lies.
You must have discussions, not fights. 
Frequent nasty, vindictive fights are a sign to re-evaluate your relationship.
There needs to be an equal amount of balance in order to keep both individuals happy and satisfied.
Great relationships are not about give and take, they’re about give and give.
If you are settling for an unhealthy relationship just to have a warm body near, you are missing the amazing indescribable intimacy God offers you, this I know!
I learned to get my eyes off worldly things and ask God to open my spiritual eyes. I learned my doubts were a warning from the Holy Spirit. It’s the opposite of peace.
Life is a blessing when you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie