Easy Like Sunday Morning

Easy Like Sunday Morning
Nothing like a quiet Sunday morning with a cup of hot coffee on the patio and Riley by my side. In a bit, back to watching Sunday services on-line and that is okay with me. It’s the message not the location. And believe me, the feeling of Sunday worship and service time …… well; suffice it to say …… beyond words!
Easy Like Sunday Morning
Oh yes, I offer my everyday moments to God.

I am most certainly hard-wired to look at the positive. You know, water the grass and it will get greener!
Of course some days are better than others, these uncertain times can make the foundation and our faith feel a little shaky …… which is why I stay devoted to God.
It is with a grateful heart that helps me to see so much abundance in my life. My value of gratitude reminds me that what I have today can be taken away tomorrow
What defines our character and our integrity is not measured by what happens to us; but rather by how we react and respond to what happens to us.
Easy Like Sunday Morning
Wishing you a Sunday full of love, peace and joy.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie