Evening Post

Evening Post
You know those days when you hang with family and you laugh so much that your jaws are sore! Oh yeah, nothing like it.
You know when you get back home to hang out with your little fur baby, like he won’t leave your sight! Oh yeah, nothing like it.
You know those days when you sun tea is finished in just a few hours (so yummy), it was a hot hot hot day. Oh yeah, nothing like it.
Oh no, I got my ‘rose-colored’ glasses on, teehee!
These things may seem like small things to many, but they are gifts, for sure!
I thank God for my heart and soul. I hear the waves inside. They direct the flow of my life.

Being back home; sometimes quiet, sometimes listening to music, reading a whole lot and most definitely enjoying the simpleness of life. There is something so energizing and healing about alone time. Oh yeah, self-love; to create the life you want.
Sometimes I take off my glasses and see the world through my heart.
And yeah, life is not always easy, but I know that I can trust God completely, he is inside of me!

What a beautiful and peaceful night!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie