Fa lalalala Friday

Fa lalalala Friday!

Yes, it’s the season when I just can’t stop singing!  Can’t stop, Won’t stop. And something just makes me dance and dance and dance. Although I think I heard a little grunt from Riley …… but that did not stop me as I scooped him up for our daily dance along, teehee.
As the fog lifted and brought on a beautiful sunny day, we ushered it in with a little gym time and a breakfast of chorizo with eggs, oh my ……

it’s been (Ahem)

A year …..

 since we had a breakfast like that! So many wonderful old traditions that come back during the holiday season, no wonder it’s called the happiest time of the year!
Music has always been a big part of my life. All kinds. And this time of year, some of the old traditional Christmas music is my ‘happy place’ for sure. There is nothing better than listening to holiday music and letting the season flow inside. There is a sense of joy, love and peace that music lets my mind disappear. Sometimes  bringing tears of memories gone and yet always bringing tears of joy and hope for the future.
During the holiday season, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in ‘things to do’, ‘things to buy’, and all the busyness of wanting everyone to be happy and everything to be perfect ….. 
that it will get downright exhausting at times,
Music helps breaks me out of that cycle.
Music of all kind, and if you are already tired of hearing Christmas music, try a different genre. Dance and raise up your hands. Who knew cardio was so much fun!
For me it’s important to remember during the rush of the holidays, that I need to take time to feel, really feel the love and peace of this season inside, deep inside. Sometimes I am dancing to the music, sometimes I am sitting in my favorite chair and all times I am grateful that I get to witness and experience another Christmas surrounded by love.
Oh there is power in my faith.

Oh yeah, my inner peace is important. I know from there, everything is possible and I wish for you that during this holiday season, you stop and listen to the music, let it engulf your heart and soul.
It’s Fa lalalala Friday, y’all!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie