Fab-U-lous Friday

You read that right, it’s Fab-U-lous Friday!

You know those days when U know U are truly blessed ……

God is Good.

When you know U are in the right place. Ur heart skips with joy, U can’t stop dancing & singing to the music and Ur soul is at peace.
Oh rainy days …… they have such special meaning to me now.
☔️ 💙 ☔️

There is a little bit of heaven right here!
It most definitely is in the little things. Always has been. I am filled with a little strange, a little different and a whole lotta Faith.

Obstacles may slow U down a bit or have U take a different turn …… But oh,  the wisdom U gain. Sometimes out of Ur comfort zone, yet something inside urges U to keep going.
For me, with every step I have taken, He has always provided me the strength and power to know that I have been saved by His grace. That brings overwhelming peace and joy inside of me.
So yeah, singing & dancing on a cool rainy day …… Fab-U-lous beyond!


It’s not having what you want, It’s wanting what you have.
(I am not sure who wrote that quote, but I just love it.)

  • The overwhelming love of God.
  • Witnessing sunrise and sunsets each day.
  • The love and friendship of my precious Riley.
  • My health and daily nourishment.
  • Family and friends.
  • A beautiful place to call home.

Just to name a few …… oh yes my list goes on and on and on, for sure.
It’s a wonderful life when I get to spend it with family and I know that my mother and father in heaven are pleased. Oh, I feel their love & energy and I believe they feel mine.

It‘s Fab-U-lous Friday y’all!


Come in …… it’s warm & cozy here.
Do U want a little pumpkin bread with Ur hot cocoa?

Blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie