Fabulous Friday

Good morning y’all!

It’s not just Friday, it’s Fabulous Friday …… all day long!

I hope you are ending the week with a smile on your face and love in your heart. Hey if you had to work with an unkind or selfish person this week, let it go.

Yep, you heard me. It’s not worth it. Always be true to yourself.

Don’t let money, titles or social status impress you …… be impressed with how someone treats another human being. That’s true character.

He will be our peace, Micah 5:5

Peace of mind comes when you choose to be peaceful in all situations, don’t let the noise of others interfere or dictate your mood.

I believe God has not blessed me to make me happy and kind, he blessed me, to make me a blessing.

I am still in awe of the beauty all around. It is truly a magical place, this place we get to call home.

I am spiritual rooted way beyond measure. Oh yeah, my roots go on and on and on. This wasn’t always the case. I was more like the redwoods, no roots and could fall over if a strong wind came. Yep full of worry.

Embarrassed to say, I had no trust.

My roots are now deep in the love of God which is where my strength comes from. I receive his love, his kindness, his grace.

I trust Him.

No matter what circumstances happen or how people may act, I stand tall and look through the lens of love and yep they are rose color as well!

Love is God, God is Love.

Now that’s the way to live!

Riley and I wish you a Fabulous Friday!

Riley the Scotty

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