Fabulous Friday

Fabulous Friday

Oh my, what glorious mornings the Lord is serving up for us!
Today is definitely a boot-scottin kind of morning. And btw, got a new cowboy hat …… so yeah, got nothing but a grateful heart on this Fabulous Friday!
Riley kinda gave me the side-eye, but he’ll get use to it.
Something a little nostalgic this morning.
Made my eggs just like my momma use too, so yummy. I love routines and yet sometimes you just gotta shake it up a bit.  I’m such a rebel, Ha!
Oh this day is shaping up nicely.
The light is shining bright and illuminates my soul.
It’s intimate and powerful – the name Jesus.
His heart is full of only love. And He knows my heart.
Nothing but Fabulous Friday all around.
It’s a little warm outside to put out any real pumpkins but inside the Fall mainstay is definitely on display and brings smiles.
Oh the cutest pumpkin has 4 paws and is the pick of the patch. And o’ so squeezable!
He is the spice of my life.
And he never ghords around.
Oh boy, the puns have started …… and I got a couple months worth!
So let’s give then pumpkin to talk about!
This is the season, I wake up thinking ‘pumpkin’.
Because the mornings are definitely giving us that Autumn smell in the breeze!
And at this point my blood type is pumpkin spice!
Oh it’s Fabulous Friday, y’all.
Make it a great one, I’ll be hanging with my pumpkin!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie