Fabulously Friday

Fabulously Friday

Coffee on the patio, Riley by my side when the sun rises …… most definitely Fabulously Friday!
Yes, the heat is on …… duh, it’s July in Texas.
And yet, the trees full of leaves, flowers still blooming and the birds visiting our back yard will always fill my soul.
Social distancing doesn’t have to be a chore, nor does it have to be unpleasant: it can be spent in leisure.  Well, of course I also find working on neglected personal projects gives me a sense of joy too. I know, I know …… sweeping out the garage may not sound like joy to some and does not qualify as a project, teehee …… different strokes!
And then again, sipping sun tea, reading a good book and catching up on some of my favorite tv shows …… joy! Minimizing unnecessary contact with others can be an act of care and compassion. My solitude can be a source of strength and self-reflection through this crisis.
Working in the flower beds, walking around the neighborhood and remaining positive and optimistic is a constant.
My absence can be the gift of life to thousands of susceptible people and their families. It’s a personal choice, we all have it. If there is one thing I have learned during this season is that I want to live conscientiously with love and compassion in my heart.
Stay well, stay safe and feel the joy!
It’s Fabulously Friday, y’all!
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie