Faithfully Friday

Faithfully Friday,

all day long!

We woke up to another glorious day in Texas, y’all!

Friday morning coffee on the patio and a yummy breakfast …… booyah!

I attended Thursday night church services and it was a great one. I usually prefer to attend on Sundays …… but when the holy spirit whispers to you …… well, you listen, Amen!

 Sometimes I get so wrapped up in …… life, and I need reminding ……

that God says, Be Still & Listen.

I have always believed that it is truly in the ‘baby steps’ of life that we feel the profound love of God. And yet, I am not any different from others and need a little nudge once in a while. And that’s okay.

My quiet time sets me free.

The beauty outside my back door, the nature of life chirping, the light breeze, the blue skies with puffy clouds ….. I will not take it for granted.

Life is a precious gift.

And no matter how difficult the journey may seem at times, I am forever grateful.

  • I know that I am living a life of freedom which means he will not let anything hold me back.
  • I know that I am a masterpiece because I am the beloved daughter of my father.
  • I know that I am his mighty warrior and I will not live in fear.

At the beginning of the day …… who have you become?

At the end of the day …… who have you become?

I want to measure my life on who I am.

My heart and soul are firmly anchored.

My safe place is with God.

Riley and I wish you a faithfully Friday with blessings from Texas.


Riley the Scottie

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