
There is something that ignites my heart, Familia. 
The thought that makes me smile and brings so much laughter to my world, Familia. 
From the time when my feet hit the floor, to my last prayer each evening, is the love for my, Familia. 
Not a day goes by that I am not reminded how fortunate I am to have, Familia. 
There is something deep inside of me that I believe came from my sweet mom, it’s the love of my Familia. 
Of course I have seen my share of troubles but the Lord has not failed me yet. He has rescued me so many times and has given me the love and guidance that only a Father can do, Familia. 
I don’t let anyone tell me how blessed or favored I am; the Lord is the only one who can. 
He has surrounded me like a shield, Familia. 
From the time this little girl was in small town Iowa, to a little older (shhhhhhh) living in the great state of Texas, I have been surrounded by love and, Familia. 
I bow my head to Him because life is full of Hallelujahs and, Familia. 

My home is my anchor. It provides protection and is where love grows for, Familia. 
Oh my familia is diversely centered, thank goodness. And of course the smallest member in this house has four legs and is sorta kinda furry. Oh yeah, the most special member of this, Familia. 
So guess what, it all comes down to this …… LOVE, Familia.
I told ya …… I like to keep it simple! 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie