Good morning y’all!
Have you gone out on a limb …………
Have you followed your dreams ……….
A year from now, you have wished you had started TODAY ……
The most important skill you could ever have, is the ability to learn. I once heard from a friend that turning your passion into your job will be much easier than finding that job that satisfies your passion ……….
Of course we all need to work, we have bills to pay, we have responsibilities ……..well, most of us do ….. right …….
But are you following your dreams …… Are you reaching your goals ……. Are you happy in your heart …….In your soul
So yes, we get up early, drive in rush hour traffic, attend meetings after meetings where no decisions are made ……….. of course we get paid …….. so we can pay our bills, buy clothes we need for work and yes buy our dream home that we leave vacant for half our lives …….
Will you go out on a limb …….
Will you follow your dreams …….
Will you share you passion and rich the lives of others around you. Will you build your dreams or let someone else hire you to build theirs.
Work is a large part of our life ….. well, for most of us …. it is …….
Are you happy …….. Do you feel it (deep in your soul) ……. Do you bring joy and kindness to others …….
Is it scary to try something new …….. of course it is ……… will it be worth it …….. of course it will be.
Of course you must have a plan ……. but just remember if Plan A does not work, it does not mean you should stop trying ………there are 25 more letters. Now some of you may be saying ……. sure this sounds nice but I live in the real world. Oh yes, I know I know ….. you just can’t quit your job, as I said before you have responsibilities …….. but I am saying ….. don’t give up on your dreams ……. ever.
Will it take work, of course it will, dreams don’t work unless you do! Just remember little steps may be the beginning of a great journey. It’s never too late to be what you might have been!!
- Working hard for something we don’t care about is called Stress
- Working hard for something we love is called Passion
“Re-examine all you have been told, dismiss what insults your soul”, Walt Whitman
- Feed your soul. Do what makes you happy.
- Feed your soul. Be kind to others.
- Feed your soul. Be fearless.
- Feed your soul. Keep your faith.
Your soul is the power and core of who you are …… Feed it well.
Riley and I send you love and kindness and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??