Feed Your Soul Friday

Feed Your Soul Friday!

What is it about mornings on the patio, hot coffee, watching the sun rise over the rooftops and finally landing on the flowers. And of course, Riley by my side.
And yes, I should be off for my morning walk …… but the stillness and beauty of this Friday morning is tugging at my soul to just stay, breathe it all in and just be!
My soul is pulled to the place I belong.
This is so my happy place!
Yes Lord, I am paying attention. Your beauty and works surround me. My eyes may be getting older but I see clearly.
It’s so true that when everything seems uncertain …… everything becomes clear.
I will continue to pray with my eyes on God, not on difficulties.
My mind is most definitely in my garden …… and I will fill it with seeds that bloom into beautiful flowers (ahem, yes a few may have resisted to bloom) grrrrr, lessons learned.
But then all I have to do is add love, kindness, generosity and patience and oh my …… living life in full bloom!
Feed Your Soul Friday!
My mom once said, ‘I am not aging, I just need repotted’!
Here’s to the girl who uses her shirt sleeve in the garden instead of a Kleenex, (Gesundheit)!
I need flowers, they feed my soul, for sure.
And if I might highlight one of my amazing garden gifts …… my lemon trees. They are sporting some real good looking lemons. Not ready for picking,  but the time is a coming, for sure.
I am so grateful for the beauty right outside my back door, and all the beauty and love that resides inside the back door. I am so grateful for my sisters and the love between us.
They most definitely are flowers in my soul.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God,  Thank you for the sun and showers. Thank you for all the beautiful flowers and stately trees. Through all of these, you speak to me. Amen.