First Class Friday

Hello y’all!

Yep, it’s First Class Friday, all day long …… WhaHooooo!

Did I mention, that we are having the best Spring days …… First Class all the way!

I am so Favored this Spring that I get the opportunity to really enjoy these beautiful days and nights with my BFFF, Riley!


The flowers on our patio are blooming, the sun is shining, the temperatures are simply divine …… God is Great!

Some days you just have to march to the beat of your own drum.

Because some day you will see that you worried too much about things that don’t really matter.

Things are things and people who are meant to be in your life will be in your life.

Make your own music today, it’s First Class Friday!

We all have our own tempo in life, live yours joyfully.

 Yep, the world can make us a little cra cra at times, we don’t have enough money, we don’t have all the looks, we don’t have …… we don’t have ……

I have always been a little different, always believed there is no deadline on dreams, and I will closed doors not because of arrogance or incapacity but simply because they no longer lead me somewhere of significance.

It’s First Class Friday and my soul is on Fire!

Let it all go …… see what stays!

If it does not make you feel First Class ……

Don’t Do It, Don’t Buy It, Don’t Eat It, Don’t Keep It!

With Brave Wings, I Fly – First Class!

Yep, my life is First Class, baby and so is yours!

So hop on board and buckle up, it’s First Class Friday. Riley made the flight plan for today and it’s full of sunshine and love!


Riley the Scottie

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