Forward… Forward…. Backward….. Forward Forward Always Always!


Hi y’all,

I know you might be saying,  what is she talking about …….

Well have you ever felt like your life is going really good, (forward)… things are falling into place, (forward) ….  and then things get a little crazy, (backward) …..

It happens …..

To all of us …..  at different stages in our life.

And your life will go forward again, Always Always.

I know for me ….. life has brought some truly magical times (forward) …… and some not so magical times,  (backward).

And yes I have had the same thoughts going around and around in my head when life throws the unexpected, oh yeah,  those thoughts …… why me ….. why this ….. why now….

  • Have you ever hit rock bottom ……. it’s not fun and it’s scary …… and then you pick yourself up and keep moving forward, forward, always ……. always.
  • Have you ever found yourself in the wrong story …… close the book and start a new one,  always ….. always.
  • Have you ever loved someone so deeply only to have your heart-broken ….. yes,  hearts can be broken ….. and, guess what …… hearts can be mended and somehow they continue to work, always …… always.
  • Have you ever found yourself wondering if you will ever get that new job …… whether you are unemployed by choice or never saw it coming …… it can be difficult ….. and, it can happen to anyone … don’t beat yourself up  ….. keep faith ….. stay positive ….. trust in yourself, let go & positive things will happen ….. always always.
  • Have you ever lost a love one that left you feeling, so alone and empty …… remember them everyday,  they are always in your heart and always part of your soul …..always …… always.

If there is one thing that I always always come back to………

Is never lose belief and faith in yourself …….

And,  that it is never never too late to be whoever you want to be ….. always always.

Be kind, be passionate, be positive, be loving always always.

Riley and I send you love and kindness, always always and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof ??

Co-Pilot, Riley the Scottie
Riley the Scottie


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