Friday Fall Script

Friday Fall Script

Well I couldn’t have written a better one for this Friday Fall day.
I was definitely dreaming last nite and woke up with a grateful heart. And (a little eye crusties; a sign of a hard nite of deep sleep and dreams) but a morning that has the Autumn story working out perfectly. So true to character.
Last night on the patio was so peaceful. Riley wants a repeat and so do I.
Our favorite restaurant with patio dining is on the agenda for today. These Fall days are warm enough for shorts and cool enough to take along a light sweater.
Oh my jar is overflowing with the smells and colors of Fall. And of course a few apples to top it off!
This Autumn is proving to be a 5 star event. Hard to keep us inside for too long. The squirrels are out gathering their nuts and giving Riley a whole lot of exercise. Sometimes he gets pretty close but they always out run him. Plus they can climb the trees or fence. Riley may get a couple of paws up but he’s a Scottie not a cat! Oh but the focus is there.
🐿 🐾🐾🐿
I can tell he is so happy for these cooler days and nights. He also has a little more spring in his shasay!
No need to re-cast. The outlook is perfect and we are ready to shine for our Autumn show. The scenes may even get a little extended. Because we are not ready for the show to get anywhere near closing.
Hey, there is plenty of pumpkin spice around here so refills are a plenty!
Wishing you a glorious Friday Fall Script kind of day.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for providing this glorious day. The wonders and beauty that surrounds us brings undeniable love and peace to my heart and soul. Amen.

🧡 I am so grateful that my family in Florida were not hurt and are safe after hurricane Ian hit. Prayers to all those impacted. 🧡