Friday Focus

Friday Focus

We were up just as the sun was coming out and Riley and I both had that extra giddy-up in our step. Granted as I was sweeping the patio and garage he was supervising from inside. And that is quite alright with me.
A little time spent checking our flowerbeds and pulling a few weeds and then it was time to make a nice big breakfast.
The beauty of sipping my coffee and looking outside with no where to go.
Beyond words!
This has been a jam-packed week for sure and today is a day of pure peace and joy.
Today is our day of focus.
We are all free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our actions.
I know when I have done more than enough for certain people, I’m done.
Some people are difficult, some are toxic.
And yet it would be awesome if we could get along with everyone but the truth is, we do have free-will, and when people choose to use theirs in a way that interferes with God’s best for ours, it’s okay to step away and let God deal with it, in the only way He can.
That’s so okay.
I’ve always believed that we go through seasons and changes in our lives. Not unlike the Seasons of nature but I am referring to my spiritual seasons.
It’s okay to live a life others don’t understand.
Truth does not mind being questioned, a lie does not like being challenged.
Age has never defined me and it never will. I am grateful for all the goofy, flawed and weirdness that makes me …… me!
I will always dance to the beat in my soul.
Today is a glorious and magical day. It’s all right in front of me.
Thank you, God.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

You have someone standing beside you that is stronger than the one standing against you. (Joshua 1:5)