Friday Love

Friday Love

The beauty of mornings out on the patio, Riley by my side, hot coffee to sip and the sounds of nature all around …… 
Beyond words! 
You know;  live life as if everything is rigged in your favor, booyah! 
Every passing moment is filled with messages from God, this I know …… and yes, I speak back.
And yet as I sit out here; the quieter I become …… the more I hear.
I am so shiny and polished …… because I will not let every ‘rub’  irritate me. 
From the time a little wet black nose wakes me up until the moment my eyes close for the night, I thank God. 
I get to live my retirement surrounded by my sisters and family. Riley and I feel the love everyday. 
Of course there have been times when the world has pushed me to my knees and what I will do over and over when it happens …… Crawl and Pray, always always. 
God is the anchor of my soul. 

My hope for you is Friday love. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you Lord for protecting my family and providing your love and light as we continue to live our long life here on this heavenly earth.Â