Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights

What a way to end Friday …… Oh, I am so excited about having a delicious Thanksgiving dinner next week with family …… so I spent the day getting ready for Christmas …… HA!

No, my tree is not up ……

yet ……

But what fun to start getting out our Christmas stuff …….
I have always thought that the Christmas season is just too darn short, (insert drum roll), well maybe a little jingle instead!
So a few years ago, I adopted the tradition that the sparkles and colors of Christmas will start right before Thanksgiving. (Ahem, okay a few days before)

Thanksgiving will definitely be celebrated with family next week. The blessings and  love that God provides, I celebrate everyday …… yet, Thanksgiving day reminds me to give thanks, celebrate and show respect to our Father.

So, as far as I am concerned, getting some of our Christmas decor out, is just plain Fun! ( Although my lower back does not agree, teehee)

Nothing like a little sparkle and then a little more sparkle to make this a perfect Friday Night Lights kind of evening! Oh did I mention a little Cabernet and some peppermint crunch was added to our menu for tonight ……

just call me Ms Claus!

So, can you tell that this holiday season is one of my most favorite time of the year!!
As I enter this last weekend before Thanksgiving, I give praise to God, who makes everything possible. When I praise and give thanks to God, my spiritual warfare weapons move mountains. (He has never left my side)

As I look over at my precious Riley, I am reminded that one of my many blessings is a furry four legged Scotty who brings so much joy and happiness to me each and every day.
Thank you, God.

I wish for you a Friday Night Lights kind of evening with blessings from our home to yours.