Friday Night- Look Up Up Up

Hi y’all!

We are in for a special treat tonight. The Full Moon, Harvest Moon is falling on Friday the 13th. Starting at 7:46 pm CST and peaking  at 11:32 pm CST …… oh my, I can’t wait. It’s been building up for a few days and I have enjoyed it’s glow over the past few nights.

And tonight …… show time!

Did you know ……

The last time we had a Full Moon on Friday the 13 was in 2006, the next will be in August 2049, Wow! (30 years, for those who need a calculator)

So yeah, pretty special indeed.

I am not at all superstitious, I Pray.

And I do enjoy all the wonders of God while on this heavenly earth? Each and every day. And I am in awe, for sure.

Full moon nights have always had a special meaning to me. I love sitting outside on any given night but when the sky lights up from a full moon ……it’s  magical.

And, as we wait for the Fall season to change our scenery outside, football has already changed our scenery inside. I know know,  it’s only been a week but when your favorite team, ‘The Dallas Cowboys’ just in case you need reminding …… teehee …… yep, when they start off the season with a win …… need I say more! (Insert happy dance)

💙 💙 🏈 💙 💙

And who can forget about Fantasy football. The game ‘smack’ has most definitely made it’s appearance, booyah!


Life will bring on so much that at times, of course, it can be overwhelming. Yet, there is only One,  that I know will provide guidance, support and love. God is not just good, He is great.

I hope you get the opportunity to look up up up tonight and enjoy the Full Moon. You know where Riley and I will be. (Will it be wine or bourbon),  wink, wink!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie