Friday Nite Love

It’s Friday Nite Love!

And I am sounding off …….

Today’s been one of the best, OH MY!

Started the day with morning prayers in one hand and a cup of Starbucks in the other, OH MY!

Morning workout with my sister, yep steel determination, OH MY!

Enjoyed a breakfast of champions, OH MY!

There are only 6 days until Thanksgiving Day, OH MY!

It was in the mid 70’s with full sunshine all day long, OH MY!

Got all my Thanksgiving Day shopping done, OH MY!

Had a huge Apple Pie sitting at my front door when I got back home today, so blessed, OH MY!

Afternoon play time with Riley, OH MY!

My lemon tree has some beautiful lookin lemons just about ready for picking, OH MY!

Afternoon tea and a slice of apple pie, yum yum, OH MY!

Oh, it’s only 6 days until Thanksgiving Day, yippee, OH MY!

Do you ever feel like life is on CAPS LOCK ……


Do you think it’s possible to regain that childlike attitude of simple joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude?


I feel all of life …… deep in my heart and soul, OH MY!

Yep, Abundant Life, for sure!

Oh, I don’t know how God will answer my prayers, but I know if I wait, the answers will come. I know there is no guarantee that the answers will be to my liking and may not come in a speedy fashion, but I do know that my heart, spirit and attitude remains steadfast, strong and forever faithful!

Yep, CAPS LOCK is on!

It’s Friday Nite Love, y’all!

Turn your CAPS LOCK on and enjoy the evening!


Riley the Scottie

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