Friday Post

Friday Post …… July 3, 2020

Wow, it’s almost here, Independence Day, 2020.
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Most definitely one unlike I had envisioned. And yet, I choose to learn, lean-in and look forward! And not just because my glasses are ‘rose-colored’,  but I do think they are purdy, teehee.
Oh, I see clearly, oh so clearly.
Wow, 2020 is half over. And even though I spent the majority of it in self-quarantine, following social distancing practices, I choose to look forward to …… Life!
🎇 It’s almost here y’all, July 4th! 🎇
I believe in dreams, I believe in hope. I believe we are so fortunate to live in a place where we can do both for a better future. Is it easy …… heck no.
It’s not easy to stand up for what you believe, it’s not easy to go against the grain, it’s not easy …… but it’s possible.
I won’t spend a moment with negativity, instead I will listen and learn because that is where real freedom reigns and that is what ignites everlasting peace from within.
It’s consuming!
The year and season of Covid19, has brought pain, uncertainty and has been so unpredictable, that we must find ways to celebrate each other. Yes, I miss hugs and kisses from my family, yes I miss breaking bread across from them, yes I miss looking into the eyes of my friends when we talk …… and yet, I know that I have so many reasons to celebrate my life, my Riley, my sisters and our future!
I woke up today knowing it was going to be a great day. I know that no matter what happens today, God will see me through.  Oh I know, that it is not by any of my works but through the blood shed of Jesus, that I have been redeemed, restored, and reconciled to God.

This place we get to call home is a gift. We all have a part, to spread His light and believe in the possible.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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