Friday Post

Friday Post
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Wow, a week till Thanksgiving! 
I, like many, never thought that our country would still be fighting this Pandemic, yep 9 months later and during the winter holidays that for so many is one of the most special times of the year, when we physically connect with family and friends. 
And even though I have always tried to remain positive and as cliched as it may sound, I truly believe that the key to survival right now (besides social-distancing and hand washing, of course) is to ensure that the positive thoughts I have –  and there are many – overwhelm the negative. 
I have always felt in-tuned with nature, and yet during this year the beauty right outside my back door seems to overwhelm me more than ever! 
Before I go on a riff that will strike some as Pollyanna-ish, or worse, grossly insensitive and privileged, I’ll lay down some disclaimers: yes, I am so blessed that I am retired and healthy during this horrendous pandemic, and yes, I use positive attitude to energize, heal and bring hope to my life …… and yet, my head is not buried in the sand (or clay dirt), I do live in Texas.
 I do recognize and honor the scope of this pandemic because all our lives have changed but I also believe in the deep power for good in the Universe.
This pandemic is definitely a crisis. And crisis reminds us of how lucky we are and how important it is to take care of ourselves, our communities, and our planet. 
I believe that remaining hopeful is always a sign of strength. 
‘Gratitude supports the immune systems but also lets us see things from all perspectives. It’s up to us which perspective we will choose — but its best to be aware of all of them.’ JOHN WATERHOUSE
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Today I am grateful, Yes grateful. I appreciate all that I have. I will constantly look for ways to be present and I will continue to look for what is right about life rather than what is wrong. Whether it’s ‘rose-colored’ glasses or Pollyanna …… my outlook is inherently kind and hopeful. I am tethered to the very idea that anything is possible if one has enough faith and trust in the goodness of people and life. 
Setbacks, adversity, chaos and turbulence has definitely come knocking
 in 2020, and yet I will never abandon Hope! 
Blessings from our home to yours. 