Friday with Friends

It’s gonna be a great Friday!
The gang is all here …..
Merry Monday was first (as usual), Tinsel Tuesday, what an entrance; all that tinsel, oh my (always impeccable), yes, of course Wreath Wednesday, you must bring the life of the party, Ms. Wine herself, our glasses are laid out. And Thankful Thursday will lead us in our morning prayer.
See, told you …… Friday is shaping up nicely. 
Hey, I know that this is a time of great sadness for our nation. The pandemic has altered all our lives in some manner but my faith is stronger than ever. I know that this moment is not the end. I refuse to let this disruption, sad times or failures define the awesome life God has in store for me. 
No matter how many friends I have, I turn to God to speak to. He has promised that all the lows and the highs are worth sharing. 
And we will all experience both.
 I know that when you are in the midst of the lows, it becomes cloudy and anxiety may try to take over. 
I also know it’s important to remember that worry and anxiety isn’t what the Church sometimes makes it out to be. It is not a spiritual disorder, a character defect or an emotional dysfunction. And it’s also not a choice. It’s certainly important to have faith in God’s ability to heal; however, to deny medical or psychiatric treatment to someone suffering from mental illness is really no different than denying them to someone with a physical illness. The difference between the two is that the first is invisible.
While we should be on guard as the enemy will try to exploit any weakness, anxiety is real. It is not a result of spiritual inadequacies or a lack of faith. 
Yes, anxiety is real. It can take over not just our minds but also our hearts and ultimately plunge our thoughts into despair. 
I don’t believe there is a one & done easy solution. God’s hand is not always apparent. Yes, even the saints struggled. 
And that my friends is why I pray, without ceasing. (He knows my heart)
Even when I doubt that God is listening, He always proves that He is. He doesn’t have a dial that He turns up and down when He feels like not tuning in. Sometimes, I just need to turn the volume of the world down to hear God’s voice. When life gets hard, I need to allow His voice to speak over my fears. 
Oh so blessed. 
I hope you reach out to a friend today. Tell them how much they mean to you. It’s Friday with Friends, and we need each other. 
Blessings from our home to yours. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie