Full-Tilt Tuesday

Full-Tilt Tuesday!

Oh my, I think I slept in my dancing socks last nite …… because my feet are doing the happy dance and they started by kicking off the sheets and, haven’t stopped yet.
The here and now; sun shining, blue skies and hot morning coffee, oh yes it’s going to be a full-tilt day for sure.
There is nothing better than waking up knowing you have another day to let the day intoxicate you with all that it has to offer.
Thank you God because I see you in …… everything.

I am unlocked.
Easter is all about new beginnings. So I will rise up and listen to what is inside. I once heard that the dark is not as scary as we think, it’s the light within that we tend to cover up and fear where it might lead us.
Oh no, I will not fear my light because I know who is leading me.
He has given me the power to full-tilt!
After a nite of rest (which is important) to reset and clear my mind, I love ushering in a new morning to set my intention and give thanks.
Full-tilt Tuesday!
As the day progresses, I will let myself be …… just Be!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, I will embrace this day with faith and hope for new beginnings! Amen.