Get Your Soulful On!


Good morning y’all,

Oh yeah, get your Soulful on today.

Today I woke up to those big brown soulful eyes of my co-pilot, Riley the Scottie looking up at me. Okay Okay, some of you may be waking up next to someone or something and you may be thinking…….Really…….

Hey, be nice…….and start the day with a soulful kiss to the person next to you.

Now get up y’all. Shake it up today, Get your Soulful On!

  • Put some soulful music on and sing along
  • Enjoy a morning cup of hot tea or coffee
  • Open the curtains or blinds, let the sun in
  • Pull out that brown turtleneck
  • Write a love note to your partner or spouse
  • Send a kind text to your BFF
  • Say a prayer for someone
  • Make a pot of Chili for dinner tonight
  • Be happy, you are amazing
  • Give thanks
  • Hug and kiss your love ones tonight
  • End the day with a dance in front of the mirror, you are special and loved

Whatever comes your way today…..remember,  it’s Get Your Soulful On day. Be your true self, be an inspiration, be kind, be a leader, be proud, be mindful, be soulful.

Keep spreading a little sunshine to those around you today. It will warm your soul.

We cannot leave without a shout out to our Texas Rangers, Congratulations!!! The Rangers have won the first two games and are heading home for the next two, Yippee!

Riley and I wish you a happy and soulful day and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof.


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