Gifts and Time

Gifts and Time

The two most important things from God.

The gifts He has granted me and the precious time He has given me on this heavenly earth.

I often write about how the time here can be so fleeting and maybe even more so when you enter into new chapters of your life; and the days, hours and minutes go by it seems far too quickly.

Was I not grumbling about winter and the cold temps not too very long ago. Guilty as charged. As I open the door each morning to this beautiful season of spring, (coffee cup in hand, Riley by my side), I give thanks to God for  His many gifts.

I woke up to a little wet nose touching my arm. Ever since spring has arrived, we seem to get up a little earlier as if we hear the whispers of spring calling us to the patio to witness the sun greeting us.  I hope I never lose the feeling of hope for life. Well, I think I can say …… that will never happen!

Attending Sunday services yesterday is the best way to start a new week. A concert for my ears and love for my soul.

My faith has never stop growing.

His gifts and time

The two most important things from God.

Yes, I know Him, love Him, feel Him.

He is my Savior.

There is a smile on my face, love in my heart and fire in my soul and it just keeps getting better!

All because ……

Gifts and Time

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

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