God is not done!

God is not Done!

Another birthday to enjoy!
And February 18 is National Drink Wine Day too.  Well it doesn’t get any better than that.
Did you know …… The oldest known winery was found in a cave in Armenia, and is over 4,000 years old.
So even if you relax with a glass or a bottle today, you are definitely celebrating a long tradition.     A few of my favorite ways to enjoy wine is with a meal, sitting on the couch watching a movie, out on the patio with my Riley and even by the fire pit because …… it’s February in Texas and you never know exactly what the weather will bring.
But first; slippers, robe, coffee and patio time. Why yes, a yummy breakfast too – pinch me!
It’s February 18th and I am a year older!
The day just keeps getting better.
You know that saying:
‘On my best day, I’m a child of God, On my worst day, I’m a child of God.’
And as I look out our windows I know this day is full of joy. And no not the ‘superficial’ kind of happiness. Just because my lenses are rose-colored does not mean I deny negative experiences or times.  To deny that life brings on disappointments, frustrations, hurts, sadness and setbacks would be unrealistic and untenable. No amount of positive thinking changes this truth.
For me, processing life experiences through a grateful lens does not deny negative things happen.
It means, I have the power to recast and reframe my vision and outlook through the lens of gratitude.
I see just how wonderful this life is.
Thank you God.

It’s about to get loud in here and Riley owes me a dance!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie